Vietnam Veterans: Still Coming Home

Dr. Steve Feimer, co-author of Vietnam Vets: Still Coming Home, is an Associate Professor Justice Studies at the University of South Dakota where he completed his Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. He received his doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma in 1986. His publications have appeared in the Journal of Crime and Justice, New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement, Public Personnel Management, and Journal of Gang Research. He wrote this book for away of giving back or returning services to those who serve us all. 100% of the proceeds go towards Veteran Service Organizations. The purpose of this lecture is to heighten awareness of continuing struggles of Vietnam War Veterans as they deal with such issues as the physical effects on Agent Orange, PTSD, survivor's guilt, readjustment to civilian life, and combat loss. This lecture is focused on the sacrifice of borne by veterans, their families, and their friends both in war and in peace time. Veterans Week Keynote